Saturday, 28 April 2012

AP - Chinatown YumCha Activities and Australia Post 2011-01-20

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 The Friends YumCha Groups Activities and Australia Post
The Firsthand Materials   Hedland Yee’s Life in Australia For the Past 30 Years

By  Hedland Yee  余秩伦   2011-01-20

The Friends YumCha Groups Activities in Sydney Chinatown began in early 1986 with the Australia Post Sydney GPO people.  I, the Chinese man then introduced the features of the Chinatown, Chinese restaurants and YumCha to them, a workmate Mr John Cottell was the most interested, active and keenest one in acceptance. In 2000, Mr Cottell gave a nice nice name The YumCha Group for our YumCha activities. In 2003, Mr Cottell congragurated: "Long Live YumCha!" It has been 25 years, we have created more then 10 YumCha Groups, the most of the participants of YumCha activities are non-Chinese Australians, and we have had YumCha thousands times-persons.

At YumCha, we taste the delicious food dimsum and famous Chinese tea, the unique popular Guangdong style cuisine, a southern Chinese food culture. We also eat the festival food Zongzi, Moon Cakes, Niangao and Fish at YumCha. We organize YumCha parties for personal birthdays and weddings, Mothers Day and Fathers Day, Christmas & New Year Season, Australia Day, Lunar Chinese New Year Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Lunar Mid-Autumn Moon Festival and China's National Day. And, we attend the community banquets for cultural festivities and Australian-Chinese friendship events held by the NSW/Australia Council Of Chinese Organizations(NSW/AusCOCO) and Australia China Friendship Society(ACFS). 

Our Friends YumCha Groups Activities are for cultural exchange, racial understanding, harmony and friendship, and between Australia and China. And, we take photos of the activities for memory. 

I, the Chinese man, have never talked about the problems happening to me at work places and never complained about Australia Post at YumCha parties and community banquets. We just enjoy ourselves.

1.  Mr Peter Howarth, Senior Supervisor Sydney GPO Australia Post - Mr Howarth in 1986 and 1987, in his initiatives told me several times that he is a socialist, he eagerly read Chairman Mao' works, he keenly sought knowledge of Chinese cultures and deeply loved Chinese people; and he liked Mr Bob Hawke, the Prime Minister. My responses to him were only 'Thank you'. And, I then also presented him with 2 books to thank him, these were Mao Zedong Biography on 1987.09.23 and Biography of Bob Hawke in 1988.02.

2.  Ms Wilma Howarth – Senior Supervisor Sydney GPO Australia Post - YumCha Group Activities Stopper. Ms Wilma Howarth on 1996.06.12 called me into her office and ordered me, “Don't take my feople to YumCha! None wants to go Yum Cha, no more YumCha for You!" She threatened that our Chinatown YumCha activities are crimes. This happened in 1986.

3.  Mr Peter Howarth threatened, “You have money for Yum Cha, for photos!” “Your English is not good, I am writing your DPE(?) Report, you must give me money! Money!” I then had to do it for keeping my job. “I don’t allow you talk about racial discrimination in my office! You are dangerous, I’ll kill you!” with his giant hands grasping my neck. He roared at me, “We have power (and money), we have people, we will win!” These happened in 1986 and 1987.

Mr Tony Pun supports, “You have enemies, the one who has power is the winner!” <你有仇人 边个有权边个赢  只识一个人毛泽东 你好复杂  我唔帮你 你第一次几句话 我就确诊你系迫害狂  精神分裂症  你骚扰我   一切 由你既仔控制

4.  Mr Brian Louttit, Deputy Postmaster Sydney GPO – Mr Loutit verbaly and physically harassed me, “Why do you write letters? You are too obsessed with letters writing! You demand too much!” He meant my written enquiries about the ignorring and delay of my increment to position PO2 and my pay illegally delayed and deducted, and my applications for my Annual Recreation Leave to coincide with my sons’ school holiday and the 5 hours a week paid Study Leave to fit my Architectural Drafting Course and English Classes in Sydney Technical College. My applications for these were not approved. But the fellow worker Mr Claudio Bernardinatti obtained the Study Leave and so he could get a new job with Olivetti Australia P/L. The Manager Mr Allan Cameron warned, “You will die soon! You should relax!” These happened in 1986 and 1987.  

5.  Mr Mannie Grima and Mr Brian Louttit, Postmasters Sydney GPO Australia Post - They wanted to stop me from inviting the Sydney GPO people to the China’s 38th National Day Banquets 1987 of NSW Council Of Chinese Organizations Tony Goh and Australia China Friendship Society Steven Black. On 1987.09.21, Mr Grima, in response to my verbal invitations, severely interrogated me as to why I took their people outside, why I did not invite the Supervisors(in fact I had) and he warned, "I don't allow you to take my people outside!" and sounded they would come to my community and ACFS to get the organizers Tony Goh and Steven Black to stop me. And, Mr Louttit threatened that they would let me know what would be happening to me due to this matter.

6.   For this, Australia Post trumped up charges on communist espionage against me because I mentioned the names of the Chinese Consul General and Ambassador from Tony Goh’s banquet message in the news paper and Mao Zedong from Mr Howarth’s remarks to me, in my first open letters, my personal written invitations to the GPO people to the China’s 38th National Day Banquet 1987. That destroyed my whole life in Australia for 30 years.我邀请澳洲人 参加国庆宴会因为我在两封公开信即书面请柬 中引用中国总领事大使 和毛泽东的名字而被定罪为共产党密探 已经被软禁24年了

7.  Mr Kevin O’Brien, Buddhist, Worker Sydney GPO – The eyes and ears for Howarth-Grima Racialists and Bureaucrats on our outside YumCha Group activities since 1986. Mr O'Brien in 1990 shouted at me, "You are paranoid!" Then he warned me. "You challenged the Management of Australia Post! I have just seen the Postmaster, they have taken actions to make the problems bigger and bigger to fight you back!"    

       That is, they revenged on me for I wrote letters to them and I insisted in inviting their people to attend Chinatwon YumCha and to the China's 38th National Day Banquets 1997 of my community NSW Council Of Chinese Organizations Tony Goh and the Australia China Friendship Society Steven Black, and I took actions to the APCU trade union and NSW Anti-Discrimination Board, on 1988.03.24, complaining abou their Racial Discriminations, Maltreatments, Blackmail and Political Frame-up, helped by Mr Peter McCulloch, Alderman North Ryde, Senior Welfare Woker in Charge, Ultimo Community Centre in his initiatives.

8.  Mr Joe Circaoco, Worker Sydney GPO –  Mr Circaoco followed Ms Howarth's action of malicious prosecution of “Chinatown YumCha are Crimes” frightening our Chinatown YumCha friends, since 1986.

9.  Ms Matilda Espinosa, Supervisor Sydney GPO, Slander of Stealing Creator -  Ms Espinosa injured me by spreading false reports about 'stealing' mail bags from upstairs to the Bulk Dock Branch for parcels sorting. The stealing slander has been spread to the Post Offices, Sydney Technical College, Chinese and local communities, Chinatown and everywhere since1987, causing my English Classes to be closed down by the Principal Sandra Hawksley and Director Vic Margan for the reason of security problem, and surveillance on me.
10.   Mr Minh Nguyen & Mr Simon Young, Workers Sydney GPO –  Mr Nguyen blamed me, “You talk too much about Chinese and China!” Mr Young made up, “You are the Chinese Community leader!” and he told me that I was a bookworm and pinched books from the Chinatown book shops. They licked the Howarth-Grima Racialists-Bureaucrats’ boots, since 1986.
K Fong supports. King Fong supports them.   

11.  Mr David Perrott, Worker Sydney GPO - Mr Perrott suddenly bashed me when I was working hard. He shouted at me behind, "Why  don't you receive the phone!" then he turned me around and hit me on my chest. It happened on 1988-03-24, 3 hours before the conference for my complaints to the APTU Union & NSW Anti-Discrimination Board about the racial discriminations, maltreatments, blackmail, phisical assaults and harassments, death threat, and political framed-up on me. 
ing Fong supports them.

12.  Mr Sam Syamsuddin, Worker Darlinghurst Post Office - Shouted at me, “Walking in the Street!” because I walked to the King Fong  Chinatown for YumCha Activities with the Inaugural Friends YumCha Group Cottell of the Sydney GPO.
King Fong supports him. King Fong supports them.
13.  Mr Brian Fuller, Deputy Postal Manager Darlinghurst Post Office - Mr Fuller forged a Wages Rise $100 per week in figures
               to the Housing Office behind me for increasing my rent charges in 1988, but no money for me. It was from the GPO, “You
               have money for Yum Cha and photos!” so promoting me to a millionaire to Housing Office to stop my application for a public
               housing in 1987. That CYL Supports in 1998    他们得到侨青社的支持
14.  Mr Laig [Pakistani], Worker Darlinghurst Post Office - He abused me, "Yuo are a KGB Spy!" that is because my frevious 
              university study paper contained a Russian language subject, it was submitted to Australia Post for application for the
              Architectural Drafting position in 1989. How could he know about it? I was denied of the position. The Interviewer Ms J Barley
              decided, "You only write letters, You do not use the phones. The job is for making 70 phone calls a day with the customers."
              There was the same position vacancy of Australian Construction Services in 1989. The Interviewer said, "You are ineligible,
               because you come from China."
    King Fong supports them   
15.  Mr Nick Kamvissis, Worker Surry Hills Post Office – Mr Kamvissis suddenly shouted at me, “The Chinese Community won’t
             help you!” Why? “Because you talk about them!” and he told me “You involve in the Chinatown in (under) Ground Work!”
             And, I heared from a customer Mr Weld that Nick told him that Hedland will open the parcels and take them home so he had to
             use the Security Post for safety that costed him more  postages. These happened in 1990.  King Fong supports them.  
16. Mr Travor Fairall, Acting Manager Surry Hills Post Office, transfered from Haymarket Post Office – Mr Fairall warned me,
            "You talk about Mao Zedong, I am of Counter-Espionage, I come here for the Police and ASIO to watch on you." He also told 
             me that hundreds of letters I wrote to Australaia Post and the Governments had made hundreds of enemies for myself. These
             happened in 1990.

17.  Mr Peter McPeake, Mr Ken Wong, Mr Joseph Leung, Leaders of CYL, member of NSWCOCO Tony Goh -
       Mr McPeake roared at me, “You work for the Chinese Consulate General, for Peking and China Governments, you are a 
       communist spy, the Police, the ASIO will kill you!” gesturing on his chest, in 1991 April. 侨青社  梁锡洪 王达谦 McPeake 定罪
        是共产党特务                                     [2011-06-20 Mon]
18.  Mr & Mrs Steve & Lindy Lim Dawson, Managers Surry Hills Post Office - Omnipotent Doctors, Husband and Wife Confirmers,
       Inside Office Love Making Couple - Mr Dwson ordered me, "You are unfit for duty, go home on sick leave!"with no pay on
       1997-09-04. And futher, "You can't hear, You can't talk, can't walk, you have a heart attack, you have a mental problem!" They
       have never provided me with any medical diagnosis for my application for sickness allowances since then, however.

19.  The Social Security Centrelink Manager Mrs Lillian McGinness denied my Sickness Allowances, "You are suitable for work." And
        for my New-Start Allowances, she decided, "When the allowances were due to commence, you had been back to work." in
20.  My friend, the Politician Mr David told me. "The Centrelink don't know you are dead or not!" in 2003.

   . They are supported by Tony Goh, Yu Wenyi, Stan Leung, Tony Pun ...   吴昌茂  余文溢余承Cheng Yu父子  梁天生  潘瑞亮  Thomas Chung 邬延祥Spencer Wu  余照华Peter Yu  等等 支持他们     [2011-06-20 Mon]

21.  Mr John McIntyre, Rector Redfern Anglican Church – Mr McIntyre on the phone roared , “You influence the doctors! You don’t
       listen to the people, you don’t listen to me. None will help you! I won’t help you! The God won’t help you!” In the Bible Reading at  
       the Church, he reported, "The God helps the suffered people in the communist country. These happened in 1998. The Church
       Manager in raining told me on the phone "You talk about Australia Post!" in 1989. But, what and to whom I talk? How did he know?
19.  Mr Artie Lissa, Student Sydney Technical College - Mr Lissa launched physical death threat on me on 1990-09-18, "I don't allow you
       talk about racial discrimination in my office, you are dangerous, I will kill you!" with his hands grasping on my neck as Mr Howath did
       on me. Mr Lissa with me attended the China’s 41st National Day Banquet 1990 of the ACFS to spy upon me whether I talk about
       Australia Post and the Chinese community leaders at the Banquet. “No talks, only taking photos.” he said to me afterward.

22.  Mr Warren Gray, Senior Recreation Supervisor Ultimo Community Centre – Mr Gray warned me, “You talk about Mao Zedong, I am
       a CIA Member, I am going to China to investigate your case!” on 1993-03-05. And, in his written advice to me dated 1993.03.24
       waned me. "You need to stop writing letters to your employers and government agencies. Hundreds of such letters you wrote to them
       have created hundreds of enemies for yourself. You should be aware that public work organizations and government agencies do not
       like your letters." 

23.  Mr Seng Min Phau, Christian, Student Counsellor Sydney Technical College – Mr Phau told me he knew I am an Australia-Refugee in
       the Refugee Day Parade and he examined me how many times I went to the Chinese Consulate General and China. He introduced
       his terrorists friends Mamdouh and Habid, Dand Hicks to me on the phone. These happened since 1998/2005.  方劲武判罪 我是 唐人街  罪犯活动  饮茶恐怖活动  共产党密探活动                     [2011-06-29W] 

24.  Mr King Fong supports Australia Post and judges that our Friends YumCha Groups Activities are Crimes, and Terror Attacks  Communist Offences, on 2002-07-28. Actually, It is King Fong who launches Terror-Attacks destroying our YumCha Groups Activities. We must counter King Fong’s Terror Attacks to protect our YumCha Groups to enjoy the good eats Dimsum, Chinese tea, and cultural festivities for friendship

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