Saturday, 28 April 2012

UNE - First letter to Nicola Schutte Re Why Did You Decide To Research My Letters? 2011-01-16

[For Clarification Comments Humanitarian Aid Publicity Publication &Corrections Amendments Substantiations Polish Chinese Translation]  

To Miss Nicola Schutte, PhD, Supervisor, School of Psychology & Letters Research
University of New England, ARMIDALE  NSW  2351 Australia
2011.01.16/31  [RV=2011-10-16Sun]
Re Why Did You Decide To Research My Letters?
Dear Dr Miss Schutte,

Happy New Year 2011! I respect and admire you!

       Thank you for sending me the mail in 2005, received on November 08, informing me of your decision about your research on my letters. I am very interested in it. However, it has been misplaced or stolen. Please send me another one for me to follow your research.

       Could you please tell me:
1. How did you know my name and address, and about my letters writing?
2. From whom and when was your inspiration drawn to send me the mail?
3. Why did you decide to research my letters?
4. What is the name of your organization For Letters Research - School of Letters Research? And,
5. Why are you so concerned about me, the deserted small Chinese old man?

       I need to meet you to have a face to face discussion with you about this matter. For this, would you please come to Sydney Chinatown to have a YumCha with The Friends YumCha Groups,together  to taste the delicious food, variety of YumCha dimsum and savour the famous Chinese tea; au unique popular Guangdong cuisine, a southern Chinese food culture, with distinctive provincial features. The initial YumCha Group was/is with Mr John Cottell, a workmate in Australia Post Sydney GPO of Postmaster Mr Manny Grima and Deputy Postmaster Mr Brian Louttit, and Supervisors Ms Wilma & Mr Peter Howarth, sister & broth, since early 1986. I will show you some of my photographs taken in my Friends YumCha Groups, Australia China Friendship Society ACFS, communities, Chinatown, Sydney City and my swimming activities. After that, we have a talk about your research on my letters.

      Also, I would like to invite you to the celebrations of the Chinese Lunar New Year Festival, the Year of the Rabbit 2011, held by the Chinese community and the Sydney City Government. This is to enjoy the splendid Chinese national culture for culture exchange, racial understanding, harmony and friendship, and between Australia and China, to promote a peaceful, harmonious and prosperous society The Datong Shijie大同世界  i.e.The World Communitysm世界共同主义.

      In the activities you can meet the Chinese Consul General and Ambassador, and the NSW Premier and Federal Prime Minister, Leaders of Oppositions; as well as the Mr Police Scott Roulstone and Mr Steve Zhang Ping, both first Aus Patriots of China, Russell KEDDIES Litigation Lawyers the first Aus member of the Australia Council Of Australian and Chinese Organizations (AusCOACO)澳大利亚澳人及华人团体协会; the leader of which is the Greatest China-Patriot Comrade Tony Chong Maw Goh who is my idol, hero and the Saviour    他是我的 偶像 英雄 和救星.

     I would ask, will your organization join the AusCOACO, like Russell KEDDIES Litigation Lawyers? They join in the Patriotic Organ because of my propaganda to them. They are the skilled specialists in making money and giving money. They have their duty performances in China to show their patriotic feelings and deeds. They have the strong Police backing. They are intimate with the deserted young men, Loyalists of Aussie Governments, who, however, revolt against the old man, their sole parent, the consignee, 他们忠诚于澳洲政府  他们被母 亲遗弃 但他们却反叛这老头子 他们的单亲家长 们的收容者                                                                                                                              
     Your participation in the multi-cultural and Chinese-Australian friendship activities is of vital help with your research on my letters; that is, of the Friends YumCha Groups, Chinese community, Australia China Friendship Society, Sydney Chinatown, Sydney City Government and local communities, especially, CYL, [NSWCOCO/AusCOCO] AusCOACO, ACFS and Australian Chinese Community Association ACCA.

     Brochures of the Chinese Lunar New Year Festival celebrations are enclosed. More information about the events is available in the newspapers and Enjoy it!

     I need your research on my letters, indeed! Thank you for your initiatives to do so. And I am expecting your conclusion. Wishing you success in your research! An early reply would be appreciated. Kind regards.

From Mr You, Have Learnt 余秩伦 an ordinary Chinese, an ABC 2011-01-16/31[RV=2011-10-16Sun]2011.10.25Tue 1982/1986/1987The Own-Initiative Volunteer Cheering Squad for Multi-Cultural & Chinese-Australian Friendship Activities
在最伟大爱国者吴昌茂旗帜下1987 Under The Banner of Patriotism of The Greatest China-Patriot Tony Goh多元文化中啦啦队
促进大同世界For Promotion of The Great Universal Harmony & Prosperity Society, Datong Shijie World Communitysm世界共同主义

PS 1.  I had shown your mail to my friends Mr Iain Wilson & Dr Cheryl Soo PhD several times in 2005 & 2006 when they visited my  
          home.             .
PS 2.  Revised Version [RV=2011-05-16M] from the original hand writing versions. This is the way I write letters & articles to 
           practice and improve my writing skills. This is for your research, i.e. for Clarification Comments Humanitarian Aid Publicity
           & Publication.
 I also need teachers, now for your Corrections, Amendments, Substantiations and Polish for all my letters, articles and materials. Thanks! 

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