Saturday, 28 April 2012

UNE - For Dimity Torbett to Convey My Messages to Nicola Schutte

[For Clarification Comments Humanitarian Aid Publicity Publication &Corrections Amendments Substantiations Polish Chinese Translation   
Hedland Yee 余秩伦Requests    Ms Dimity Torbett,   Former Editor, Sydney Morning Herald   for Help
To Convey the Following Messages to Dr Nicola Schutte, UNE
2011.10.08 [RV=2011-10-19W/25T]

I am happy to hear that Ms Dimity Torbett tell me on the phone last night that she is going to travel ARMIDALE, NSW from Sydney for a fortnight holiday. For the opportunity, I request that Ms Dimity Torbett help me to convey my messages to Miss Nicola Schutte, PhD, Supervisor, School of Psychology & Letters Research, University of New England UNE, in ARMIDALE.          

  1. My greetings – Hello and kind regards to Dr Nicola Schutte. 
  2. Invitation [CA=2011-09-01-00] of the Friends YumCha Groups with a box of moon cakes to Miss Nicola Schutte, Chancellor Chief Librarian and the Chairman of Students Associaion for the belated celebrations of Fathers Day, Mid-Autumn Moon Festival 2011 and Friends Birthdays in September, with the material: Invitation to “The Yee’s Celebration of YumCha-Moon- Cake-Tasting Gathering, 2000.09.01” and “To Approach Harmony or Go to the Doom? 2000.09.02[RV=2011-10-19W]”
  3. Invitation [CA=2011-10-01-00] to the China’s 62nd National Day & Fiends Birthdays Celebrations and the Centennial of the China’s 1911 Xinhai Revolution Commemoration YumCha Party of the Friends YumCha Groups to Miss Nicola Schutte, the Chancellor, Chief Librarian, ChairStudent, all professors, lecturers, students UNE, and Ms Torbett with the whole set materials. 
  4. A copy of the Australia China Friendship Society Bulletin 2011 October No 355, with the subject “The Australian Institute of International Affairs Invite You to: Shanghai Fury by author Peter Thompson”, to the above persons.
  5. I wonder whether the three books I presented to Dr Nicola Schutte, the Chancellor and the Library of UNE, posted on different date, have reached the destination. These books are: 
    1. PHILOSOPHY, An Art of Living, two volumes, by Li Ruihuan 2007学哲学用哲学 李瑞环 posted on 2011.06.22.
    2.  An Intellectual History of China, By He Zhaowu, etc. 2008 中国思想发展史   何兆武 等著 posted on 2011.08.09.
    3.   A History of Chinese Educational Thought, By Guo Qijia 2009中国教育思想史   郭齐家著posted on 2011.10.04.
  6. Now, the fourth book Tradictional Chinese Culture, Edited by Zhang Qizhi, 2009中国传统文化   张岂之主编, to Dr Nicola Schutte, the Chancellor, the Library and the students, UNE.
  7. Again, again and again, a copy of my first letter addressed to Miss Nicola Schutte, dated 2011.01.16 [RV=2011-10-16] Re Why Did You Decide To Research My Letters? and of my second letter addressed to Miss Nicola Schutte, dated 2011.03.16 [RV=2011-10-16][RV/PS=2011-10-19] Re Questions for Understanding of Your Research of My Letters, to Dr Nicola  Schutte, the Chancellor, Library and the Students Association, UNE, and Ms Dimity Torbett for reply, research and comments.
  8. I have been anxiously expecting a reply to those two letters above from Dr Nicola Schutte, UNE. My request for a copy of the mail to me in 2005, I received on November 08, which, however, has been misplaced or stolen; and for the detailed information of her ideas, her plan, the methods, processing, the intended completion, results and conclusion of her research of my letters.    
  9. Especially, I have been urgently awaiting Dr Nicola Schutte’s comments and research on my first two open letters to the public dated 1987.09.22, my personal written invitations to people of my Employer Australia Post and others to the China’s 38th National Day Banquet 1987 of the Chinese community NSWCOCO Tony Chong Maw Goh. I have posted a copy of those letters to her twice this year. Logically, Dr Schutte had had been provided first with the 2 letters by the initial source Australia Post Mr Manny Grima and Tony C M Goh before her decision to research my letters which I was informed of by her in 2005.
  10. I need Dr Schutte’s research of my letters, indeed! Thanks to Dr Schutte for her initiatives in doing so. And I need more people involve in and speed up the research. Please have all my letters one by one commented, published and Interneted duly.                                                                                                                                           [ i.e. put on to the Internet]
  11. I request that all my letters and all other relevant materials which Dr Nicola Schutte has and will collect and her comments and her conclusion of her research on them are kept and exhibited duly in the Library UNE, CAHS, CHAA, Aussie and  Chinese Historical Museums and Wikipedia to show her great merits for her to be presented with numerous awards and rewards from both the Aussie and Chinese Governments, and for all people and their posterity to enjoy & praise. This is my will to Australia.  这是我对澳大利亚遗嘱
  12.  I, the Chinese man, am still alive, not in doom yet. I request that Dr Nicola Schutte’s conclusion of her research on my letters will reach me and be published with enough times for me to propagate and appreciate her masterpiece before I die 我死之前. If  impossible, just some words about it, or picking up the others’. But no conclusion is conclusion.    This is my will to Australia这是我对澳大利亚遗嘱
  13. We counter racism, bureaucracy, terrorism and political frame-up. We promote multi-culturalism and Chinese-Australians friendship. Lets hooray for the approach of the Great Universal Harmony and Prosperity Society Datong Shijie The World Communitysm  for Common Coexistence, Common Possession/s and Common Enjoyment!   This is my will to Australia我们 反对种族主义 官僚主义 恐怖主义和 政治陷害   我们欢呼 大同世界  世界共同主义 共存 共有 共享 和谐社会 的来临 这是我对澳大 利亚遗嘱         
  14. I request that Dr Nicola Schutte with Ms D Torbett, Chancellor, Chief Librarian and the ChairStudent have a discussion about her research of my letters and Ms Torbett keeps a record of the discussion for me and the students reveal it to WikiLeaks for all.
  15. I dream that Dr Schutte will obtain a just conclusion of her research on my letters because she is well-educated in democracy- freedom-humanitarianism-human rights-privacy of the proud US-Aussie Ism that I have heard about and experienced for 30 years.                  
  16. I wish Ms Dimity Torbett makes good friends with Miss Nicola Schutte and she has a good holiday in Armidale. Thanks a lot. 
  17. A copy of this request and a set of the enclosed materials are for Ms Torbett; Dr Nicola Schutte, Chancellor, Library, Student Association UNE.  Again, a copy [RV=2011-10-19W/25T] to them. 2011.11.08Tue

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