Saturday, 5 May 2012

The Second of My First Two Open Letters to the Public dated 1987.09.22 My Personal Invitation to China's 38th National Day Banquet of my Community 1987

                                    22 September, 1987

                         Invitation to The 38th Chinese National Day Banquet of NSWCOCO

To Sydney GPO, Australia Post, No 2
     Mr Allan J Cameron, GPO Mamager,
     Mr Mannie Grima, GPO Postmaster,
     Mr Brian Louttit, GPO Deputy Postmaster,
     Mr Barrie Brown, GPO Administrative Manager,
     Mr Aubrey Cramp, GPO Administrative Officer,

Dear Sirs,

         1st October is the Chinese National Day.

         There will be a Banquet at the Good World Restaurant in Sussex Street, Chinatown, Sydney, on the evening of Thursday, 1st October, 1987, held by the NSW Council Of the Chinese Organisations, to celebrate the 38th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China.

           The Guests of Honours are
           1. Chinese Ambassador, Mr Zhang Zai, in Australia,
           2. Premier of NSW, Mr Barrie Unsworth,
           3. Chinese Consul General, Mr Li Xiling, in Sydney,
           4. NSW Leader of Opposition, Mr Nick Greiner.

           To help perpetuate the friendship between the two nations and peoples of China and Australia, I hereby would like, as one of the Chinese people, and a friend of Australians, to invite you to come to the Banquet.

            Your family, relatives and friends are, of course, all welcome, too.

             Tickets are $25 each.


Yours faithfully,

Hedland Yee

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