澳大利亚的持久反共 The Protracted 反华流血命案政治大战
Aus-Anti-Communism & Anti-China Blooding Political World War
后 of Postscript 记
我的第一次两封公开信 To My First Two Open Letters 1987-09-22 这是我的邀请信
My Personal Written Invitations to China ’s 38th National Day Banquet of Chinese Community 1987
我邀请我的雇主澳洲邮局的人NSW Council Of Chinese Organizations NSWCOCO Mr Tony Goh 及其他人参加吴昌茂先生的
新州华人团体协会举办的 To People of My Employer Australia Post & Others 第38周年中国国庆宴会
By Hedland Yee余秩伦 2011-02-28/RV=2012-05-03
***** (1) ***** [2011-07-07Thu]
My first two open letters to the public dated 1987-09-22 were my personal written invitations to the people of my [1] employer Australia Post, Sydney GPO, and others to the China’s 38th National Day Banquet of Mr Tony Chong Maw Goh, Secretary General NSW Council Of Chinese Organizations, held on 1987-10-01 in Sydney Chinatown. Also I forwarded other invitations to them to the second banquet of Australia China Friendship Society on 1987-10-02.
However, the matter of my invitations to people to and attendance at the China ’s National Day Banquets of my community and of ACFS was and is an offence against the Australia Law that I did not know then. 我邀请澳人参加爱国者吴昌茂的新州华人团体协会及澳中友协举办的中国国庆宴会 是违犯澳洲国法的 最严重犯罪行为 但是当时我不知道
For this, I have been convicted of communist espionage, judged as mentally-ill and I have been penalized under house arrest by the Aus-Governments and the notable Aus-Chinese community leaders for 24 years since then. 被当上共产特务的证据是我的第一次两封公开信其定罪判刑处罚的依据是我提及中国总领事大使和毛泽东邀请澳人并参加吴昌茂的共产中国的国庆宴会
For this, the evidence is my first two open letters to the public and the grounds for convictions, judgements and penalties are my mentioning of the names Chinese Consul General, Ambassador and Mao Zedong in the two open letters and my invitations to people to and attendance at the communist China ’s National Day Banquets.
***** (2) *****
Dear readers, please note that in the postscript to my first two open letters I repeatedly mentioned the names Chinese Consul General, Ambassador and Chairman Mao, and that I had mentioned them in the first two open letters, i.e. my personal written invitations; and that in the two letters I had quoted the Senior Supervisor, the so self-called socialist Mr Peter Howarth’s remarks that he eagerly read Chairman Mao’s works, keenly sought knowledge about Chinese cultures and deeply loved Chinese people, [and he also liked Prime Minster Bob Hawke] that he raised to me several times in 1986 and 1987; and that I had presented him with 2 books Mao Zedong Biography and Biography of Bob Hawke before and after the banquets; and that the quotation of his remarks was my first response to him about these, then the gift books to thank him; and that the information about the Consul General and Ambassador’s attendance at the banquet was from the organizer Mr Tony Goh’s banquet message, i.e. his original invitation to the public, I obtained from the Australian Chinese Daily 澳洲新报.
***** (3) *****
My personal invitations forwarded to the Australia mainstream society and my mentioning of Chinese Consul General and Ambassador, NSW Premier and NSW Leader of Opposition were with my, i.e. the ABC’s simple but sincere thoughts for Chinese and Australian friendship.
My personal invitations included these written invitations and my verbal invitations before and after the written ones to the banquets to people inside and outside Australia Post. These, as the ones to my Friends YumCha Groups activities in Chinatown to people, mostly of non-Chinese background, to taste the delicious YumCha dimsum, Guangdong cuisine, a southern Chinese food culture, were cordially replied with thanks and warmly accepted by the friendly people, as stated in the Postscript; however, also received negative, even threatening responses and reactions from some officials who have their fixed and obstinate racial, social, cultural, political and ideological prejudices and hostility towards Chinese, the community and communist China where I came from, and the relations of China and Australia . 一些政客官员以其种族 社会 文化 政治和意识形态 偏见和敌意 对待华人 中国和中澳关系
***** (4) *****
It is an infectious contagious disease which has spread to the communities and organizations deep in the hearts of the 我是既定的打击目标 celebrities. I, the designed target, am the first to have been affected by this. 首当其冲的受害者 The biased officials take advantage of the two open letters, as the strong weapons, on the stage of the Australia politicians political struggle to revenge on me to have mentally, physically and financially hit me even attempted on my life. They are playing a political game to make fun of me, launching a blooding political world war to shoot me for 24 years.
Because of my mention of the names of the Communist Chinese Consul General and Ambassador and my quotation of the Socialist Howarth’s passing remarks in pro-China and Great Communist Leader Mao Zedong, and my invitations to Australia Post people and others to and attendance at the Communist China’s National Day Banquets of the most Influential Capitalist Community Leader and Greatest Communist
***** (5) ***** [2011-07-07Thu]
To enforce the convictions, judgements and penalties, the official prejudices and hostility, existing in Australia [11] society against me, have overtly or covertly, quickly, widely spread and deeply penetrated into all Governments departments and agencies, services organizations and communities. These are: Australia Post and APTU/CEPU Union; NSW Police and Federal Police; Federal Sydney Office APS; ASIO, CIA; TeleComTelstra; Sydney Technical Collage, Australian Construction Services, Anti-Discrimination Board, Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission, NSW Ombudsman, Commonwealth Ombudsman, Defense Department, UNSW, ICAC, NSW Legal Aid Services, Victims Compensation Tribunal, KeddieS Lawyers, Pancific Legal, NSW Housing, Social Security Centrelink, Welfare Right Centre, St Vincent’s Hospital, RPAH Hospital, medical clinics, Salvation Army, Red Cross, NSW Cancer Council, Australian Election Commission, University of New England, Australian National University; Ultimo Community Centre, Refern Legal Centre, Surry Hills neighborhoods Center, Harris Community Centre, Redfern Anglican Church, Sydney Christian Life Church Waterloo, RPAP swimming pool, residential area, Bruce Hildebrandt Lock Smith; especially, the media, ACFS, Chinese community, NSW Council Of Chinese Organizations /AusCOCO/AusCOACO, Chinese Youth League, Australian Chinese Community Association, Chinese Australian Services Society, Chinese Australian Historical Society, Sze Yup Society, Citizen Community Care, Mandarin Club, Chinese Cultural Club, Chinatown restaurants, photo, book and groceries shops; more seriously into my helpers, tutors, YumCha Groups, China Travel Service, my relatives, my family brothers, sons; even my motherland; anywhere I have been and anyone I have contacts with; seizing every opportunity and by all means 无孔不入不择手段More than one hundred people I have noted have been involved in this case; I have mentioned some of them in some materials. [2012.05.03 Thu]
This is misleading, duping and deceiving people, stirring up hatreds and contradictions, sowing dissention, isolating people, breaking peace and harmony, and luring, trapping, pushing people to be involved with social crimes and Aus- espionage, breaking in my home disrupting my daily life, splitting my family, and attempting on my life, dismissing and murdering Mr Kevin Carew, my keen tutor, true sincere friend and a just, upright journalist, for Sydney Morning Herald.
That is the cunning double faced tactics, manipulating Chinese inhibiting Chinese whom they want to control. 以华制华两面手法And that is, to murder a person with a borrowed knife. 借刀杀人的勾当
That is the cunning double faced tactics, manipulating Chinese inhibiting Chinese whom they want to control. 以华制华两面手法And that is, to murder a person with a borrowed knife. 借刀杀人的勾当
***** (6) ****
That was unexpected, but has happened and is continuous to happen to me.
That was unexpected, but has happened and is continuous to happen to me.
However, I was conscious of something wrong when starting to write these two open letters. On 1987-09-21, one day before the completion of these two letters, the Postmaster Mr Mannie Grima and the Deputy Postmaster Mr Brian Louttit made a special visit to my workplace; in response to my verbal invitations to the GPO people to the banquets, Mr Grima severely interrogated me as to why I took his people outside and why I did not invite the Supervisors (but in fact, I had); and he showed that he would come to my community to get the banquet organizer Mr Tony God to stop me. And, Mr Louttit threatened that they would let me know what would be happening to me because of this matter.
I have told Comrade Tony Goh, who is my idol, about these on the phone sometime after the banquet. Then I said I met the difficulties, but I wanted to have a try试试, i.e. social experiments, so I decided to complete the letters.
***** (7) *****
I appreciate the events, that is, the cultural festivities, Chinese-Australian friendship activities and patriotism expressions of the Chinese community, Chinatown, Sydney City, Australia China Friendship Society, and local communities and my Hedland Yee Friends YumCha Groups. I actively eagerly participate in them, voluntarily zealously publicize them and warmly sincerely invite Australians to them, and I take a lot of photographs to record the events.
It has been 28 years since 1983, starting with the ACFS, I do these using my own times and at my own expense, but not for personal fame and gain. This is just as a volunteer of The Volunteer Cheering Squad for Multi-Cultural and Chinese-Australian Friendship Activities, that I named, Under the Banner of Patriotism of the Greatest China-Patriot Tony Goh to Promote the Great Universal Harmony & Prosperity Society Datong Shijie The World Communitysm.
在最伟大爱国者吴昌茂旗帜下 多元文化 ***** (8) ***** 中澳友好啦啦队 促进大同世界 世界共同主义
However, behind these splendid events, there is another grand scene. There is a one-curtain-un-shut-act political [19] show – Capitalist Australia Anti-Communism & Anti-China, casting the small Chinese man in the clown seat; this is an all-stars-cast show, in which, the notable Australia-Chinese community and ACFS leaders play the leading roles.
There is a great-disparity-in-strength political game – Capitalist Australia-Counter-Communist Espionage, having the little Chinese man as their opponent; that is, the Capitalist Big Shots versus the Communist Small Potato; the notable Australia-Chinese community leaders cheer for their big boss.
There is The Protracted Capitalist Australia-Anti-Communism & Anti-China Blooding Political World War, swaggering around to all grass and trees taken for enemy troops, but preferring the single Chinese man; to kowtow the War Launcher, the notable Australia-Chinese community leaders’ guns all aim at and shoot the bare-handed Chinese man, their innocent compatriot. The Play &The War Title-Protracted Capitalist Aus-Anti-Communism &Anti-China Blooding Political World War.
The Play Theme = The War Purpose – Capitalist Australia-Counter-Communist Espionage
The Play & The War Significance – To Show off Their Anti-Communism-Anti-China Power and Prestige – Using a Steam-Hammer to Crack a Nut. The Exercises for the Future Actual Mechanical Battle War
The Playwright = The War Preparer – Australia Post [杀鸡用牛刀 炫耀反共反华威风 为将来的肉搏实战练兵][2011-07-07Thu]
The Play Curtain Riser = The War Launcher -- Australia Governments [2011-07-07Thu]
The Play Director = The War Front Commander – Australia Police, ASIO, CIA
The Play Stage = The War Battle Field – Aussie-Chinese Community-Sydney Chinatown
The Play Performers=The War Battlers -- Leading Roles=Major Solders–Notable Aus-Chinese Community Leaders
The Play Opposite Role = The War Sworn Enemy – Hedland Yee, the bare-handed innocent Chinese man, the ABC.
The Play Spectators = The War Viewers – whole society members of the world. [They want them to be my enemies.]
The Play Researchers = The War Observers – All Aus-Governments Officials, Politicians, Chinese-Aus-Politicians
***** (9) *****
I have been defeated, being beaten black and blue. I am placed under surveillance, monitoring and confinement by humans, dogs and high tech equipments. The Aus-loyalist Tony Pun warns: “The one who has power is the winner” I have been forced to be deaf, dumb, blind, cripple, heart-attacked, mental-ill, paranoid, schizoid, disability and invalidity, by hundreds of Aus-Governments Omnipotent Mental-ill Doctors but none of them has provided a diagnosis for my application for sickness allowance; including Australia Post, Police, Housing and Chinese doctors, the Post Office-Love-Making Couple Steve & Lindy Lim Dawson, Pauline Attwood, Rosemary Swift, Political-Linda Coulson, Melissa Corr, Helen Fitzgerald, Ian Pettit, Constabe forged Holden, Cameron Templeton, Duncan Tchakalian, Janice Taylor, Renu Kaajal Sundow, Karen Toohey, Michael Kagan, Violent Stan Leung, Kathleen Smith, Rosemery Lai, Communist-Government seeking Edward So, letter-writing Hugh Powell, Michael Atherton/Tony God, Bill Coffey, Peter Kyriacou, Dominic Grenott, Simon Williams, Tony Goh, Tony Pun, Henry Pan, Thomas Chung, Spencer Wu, Ernest Tam, Yu Wenyi/Yu Cheng, Peter Yu, Keith Huteau, Margaret Kelly, David Chan, Jane Rogers, Gill Elliott, etc.
[[1997-05ACFS/2011-03-31SSCTrans/2011-04 Bulletin 399]] [[mthwspng 20110522U]]
The Aus-Governments and the notable Aus-Chinese community leaders while enjoying the fruitful battle results now are triumphantly ready to greet the top climax of the blooding political world war, the ending of Hedland Yee’s life.
I think Comrade Tony Goh will hold a Grand Banquet for the 90th Birthday of the Communist Party of China. Now, I follow Comrade Tony Goh, the hero, the so praised Non-Party-Membership True Communist and proud of his intimacy with Communist China, hurray: Long Live China Communist Party! Long Live CommunistChina !
I am an ABC,Australia is my second hometown我的第二家园.I love the beautiful land土地and the friendly people人民; All kindhearted Australians, Chinese, friends, lets unite together to approach The Great Universal Harmony and Prosperity, the most ideal and wonderful society of humankind, Tatong Shijie, that is The World Communitysm. That is for Common Coexistence, Common Possessions and Common Enjoyment. 澳大利亚是我的第二家园 我爱这美丽的土地 我爱友善的澳大利亚人民善良的澳洲人 中国人 朋友们 团结起来共同努力奔向和谐繁荣的 全人类最美好的社会 大同世界-世界共同主义共存共有共享的和谐社会
I request Comrade Tony Goh and the first Aus-Communist patriots Scott Roulstone and Russell Kiddie lead us hurray: 伟大的共产主义者吴昌茂万岁Long live the great true Communist Tony Goh! Long live the World Communitysm世界共同主义万岁!
I have been subject to dismissal, domination, financial sanctions, eviction threats, political physical harassments and attacks, verbal and violent death threats, daily life disturbances, family split, home break-ins, and attempted murders.
I have been jailed as the King Fong’s: Chinatown Walking, Ruddock/Community Leaders-talking, Letter-writing, Photo- taking, Steal-Robbery-Arson-Poison-Rape-Drug Smuggle-Murder &YumCha Prisoners, Communist Political Prisoner. 方劲武的 唐人街行街 谈雷铎社团领袖监犯 写信影相 偷窃 抢劫 放火下毒强奸 走私贩毒 谋杀 饮茶监犯及澳洲共产主义政治监犯
I have suffered Violent Act Hospital Admissions twice due to my Chinese New Year Festival and YumCha Invitations, Home-Break-ins inspection & investigation requests, and so judged Letter-Writing Offender threatened to be handcuffed and so pushed Communist Government Seeking Political Offender, by Mr Stan Leung, his followers Dr R Lai, Dr K Smith, Dr Hugh Powell, Dr Edward So, 6 Police Dealers/Sons; under the backing of Dr M Atherton/Dr Tony Goh. 1993-05//2007-01-01//2007-02-06/2007-08-02//2011-01-17
I have been pushed to the Gate of Hell twice in 1993 and 1997. The first involved 黄梓良Chi Leung Wong/Peter Perl, CYL, Dr Rosemary Swift. The second, according to Detective Templeton, involved Governments, Gang of China and Mental ill-Doctor; further, Political Dr Coulson, Police Scott Roulstone/Russell KeddieS and Claire Vernon Victims Compensation Tribunal. Now I am waiting for final entrance of Hell.
That is, racial, social, cultural, medical, financial, personal persecutions and political frame-up on me. All these are forced on me by the Australia Governments and the notable Australia-Chinese Community Leaders. They have destroyed my whole life in Australia .
***** (10) *****
The law enforcements, convictions, judgments and penalties on me are via notable Aus-Chinese community leaders. The notable Australia-Chinese community leaders have won decisive successes and they are the actual beneficiaries of the Australia-Anti-Communism & Anti-China Blooding Political World War.
The notable Australia-Chinese community leaders are the great heroes. That is, for they have completely defeated the bare-handed Chinese man, totally eaten the small potato and for they have had the young men strictly disciplined under the battle conditions of the blooding world war, becoming skilled intelligencers of Aus-Spy-Sons counter Communist-Spy-Father and brave immediate secret enterers, stealers, objects pushers, breakers and killers to the father, sole parent. And via Aus-democrat election campaign, witnessed by the Sons-Guardian Power-Superior Aus-Loyalist knowing only one man Mao Zedong complicated Schizo Tong Pun, the father has voted for the Sons to the Free Aus-Emperors, that promoted the Democrat Empress Dowager of the Modern Australia Empire; although the father is not an Emperor.
The notable Australia-Chinese community leaders have been presented with numerous awards and rewards by the War Launcher and Commander,Australia Governments. The major awards and rewards are the promotion to the exciting position, Qualified Omnipotent Schizo Doctors. That is, Complicated Disabled-Heart Attacked-Mental-ill-Paranoid-Schizophrenic Doctors; King Fong is a Clever Doctor. Good luck! Congratulations! Hooray!澳州政府与著名侨领共同享受战争成果 喜气洋洋地迎接这场流血政治大战的高潮 即是余秩伦的死亡。他们将迅速焚尸 并开大宴庆祝最后胜利
The notable Australia-Chinese community leaders are the great heroes. That is, for they have completely defeated the bare-handed Chinese man, totally eaten the small potato and for they have had the young men strictly disciplined under the battle conditions of the blooding world war, becoming skilled intelligencers of Aus-Spy-Sons counter Communist-Spy-Father and brave immediate secret enterers, stealers, objects pushers, breakers and killers to the father, sole parent. And via Aus-democrat election campaign, witnessed by the Sons-Guardian Power-Superior Aus-Loyalist knowing only one man Mao Zedong complicated Schizo Tong Pun, the father has voted for the Sons to the Free Aus-Emperors, that promoted the Democrat Empress Dowager of the Modern Australia Empire; although the father is not an Emperor.
The notable Australia-Chinese community leaders have been presented with numerous awards and rewards by the War Launcher and Commander,
The Aus-Governments and the notable Aus-Chinese community leaders while enjoying the fruitful battle results now are triumphantly ready to greet the top climax of the blooding political world war, the ending of Hedland Yee’s life.
They will promptly cremate the corpse and hold a Grand Banquet for their Final Victory. Then, they will launch a Ruinous Hand to Hand Anti-Communism-Anti-China World War until Communism has been annihilated. 他们将要发动一场 空前的反共反华 毁灭性肉搏大战 直到共产主义被消灭
***** (11) ***** [2011-07-07Thu]
My first two open letters, the written invitations to people of Australia Post and others to and attendance at the China ’s 38th National Day Celebration Banquet have become a milestone in my life in Australia . [2011-07-07Thu]
That is, the substantial start of my life experiences and my social experiments in Australia .
For the 30 years involving the Australian society and Chinese community, and recently, things from WikiLeaks, with what I have suffered, I have reached a definite conclusion on the Essential Values of Australia.
The conclusion, which is of an open secret should be left for the notable Australia-Chinese community leaders to relate, to state and to describe.
Shortly, that is, of Anti-Communism and Anti-China, the National Basic Policy of Australia, and embracing the distinctive features of Aussie-Racism, Aussie-Womanitarianism and Aussie-Youngmanitarianism. That is the ground of law enforcement of Australia澳大利亚的反共反华价值观 它的国策, 及其特有的种族主义 妇女及青年特权主义 这是执法依据
The conclusion, which is of an open secret should be left for the notable Australia-Chinese community leaders to relate, to state and to describe.
Shortly, that is, of Anti-Communism and Anti-China, the National Basic Policy of Australia, and embracing the distinctive features of Aussie-Racism, Aussie-Womanitarianism and Aussie-Youngmanitarianism. That is the ground of law enforcement of Australia澳大利亚的反共反华价值观 它的国策, 及其特有的种族主义 妇女及青年特权主义 这是执法依据
***** (12) *****
I would express that I appreciate the marvelous performances of the notable Aus-Chinese community leaders on the Australia-Governments Anti-Communism & Anti-China Political Struggle Stage. This is the Protracted Human-Mental-Body-Injured-murdered Australia-Anti-Communism-Anti-China Blooding Political World War. 我欣赏高贵的侨领们在澳洲反共反华政治斗争舞台上的精彩表演 这是一场涉及伤人和命案的反共反华持久的流血政治大战 他们揭露了澳洲
They have unveiled the essence of the false liberty, equality, democracy, humanitarianism and human rights, and shown the politicians’ true colors brutality, hypocrisy and vain to all Australians. That is their great constitution to the whole human society of the world. That should be recoded for their posterities to enjoy and research as I do. 虚假的自由平等民主人道人权的实质展示了政客官僚残暴虚伪虚荣的庐山真面目是他们对人类社会的伟大贡献纪录下来给
*** (13) ***
During the Protracted Australia-Governments-Anti-Communism & Anti-China Blooding Political World War,all the negative comments on the affairs of Communist China , have been poured on my shoulders. That is, they have promoted me to be the Representative of China . How important I am! I am very proud of it! I am strong enough to carry the loads. I am not in doom! I am still alive! Advance! That is it!
I am Chinese, I love my motherland, Zhong Guo. I love my compatriots. I am very proud of the successes and 我是中国人 我爱我的祖国 我爱我的同胞 我为我的祖国 在社会主义现代化建设中取得的辉煌成就而感到自豪
achievements ofChina in her socialist modernization constructions.
I had with my Aus-friends attended the Communist China’s National Day Banquets of the most influential Capitalist Community Leader and greatest Communist China Patriot Comrade Tony Goh on 14 occasions since this one 1987 including my 2 tables family & friends dinner at the China’s 44th National Day Banquet 1993, and Chinese New Year Festival Banquets for 15 times, and the China Governments Officials Visits to Sydney Banquets of Tony Goh every times, all by 2002-09-27; and the Banquets as above of Australia China Friendship Society, every times since 1983 by 2002. I attended theChina ’s 10th National Day Celebration Parade in Beijing Tiananmen Square in 1959. Our Great Leader Chairman Mao on the Gate Tower waved his greetings to us with a smile. We all hooray: Long Live Chairman Mao! Long Live the People’s Republic of China ! I and my Aus-friends attended Tony Goh Hong Kong Return To China Banquet 1997. I joined in The Hong Kong Return To China Witness Tour 1997. I joined in The China’s 50th National Day Celebration Tour 1999 to Beijing . I attended the Macau Return to China Celebration Banquet 2000 of Comrade Tony Goh. I visited The 2010 Shanghai World Expo. I am very proud of these events.
achievements of
I had with my Aus-friends attended the Communist China’s National Day Banquets of the most influential Capitalist Community Leader and greatest Communist China Patriot Comrade Tony Goh on 14 occasions since this one 1987 including my 2 tables family & friends dinner at the China’s 44th National Day Banquet 1993, and Chinese New Year Festival Banquets for 15 times, and the China Governments Officials Visits to Sydney Banquets of Tony Goh every times, all by 2002-09-27; and the Banquets as above of Australia China Friendship Society, every times since 1983 by 2002. I attended the
I think Comrade Tony Goh will hold a Grand Banquet for the 90th Birthday of the Communist Party of China. Now, I follow Comrade Tony Goh, the hero, the so praised Non-Party-Membership True Communist and proud of his intimacy with Communist China, hurray: Long Live China Communist Party! Long Live Communist
I am an ABC,
I request Comrade Tony Goh and the first Aus-Communist patriots Scott Roulstone and Russell Kiddie lead us hurray: 伟大的共产主义者吴昌茂万岁Long live the great true Communist Tony Goh! Long live the World Communitysm世界共同主义万岁!
***** (14) *****
My thanks to all notable Aus-Chinese community and Australia China Friendship Society leaders for the opportunity, their initiative involvements, practice, recognition, support, witness and proof for the substantial start of my life experiences and social experiments, and the conclusion on the Australia Essential Values.
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