Saturday, 5 May 2012

The First of My Two Open Letters to the Public dated 1987.09.22 My Personal Invitation to China's 38th National Day Banquet of My Community 1987

                                                                   22 September, 1987

                  Invitation to The 38th Chinese National Day Banquet of NSWCOCO

To Sydney GPO, Australia Post, No 1
      Mr Peter Howarth, Senior Supervisor,
      Ms Wilma Howarth, Senior Supervisor,
      All My Friends at Work,

Dear Sirs & Madams,

         1st October is the Chinese National Day.

         There will be a Banquet at the Good World Restaurant in Sussex Street, Chinatown, Sydney, on the evening of Thursday, 1st October, 1987, held by the NSW Council Of the Chinese Organizations, to celebrate the 38th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China.

          The Guests of Honour are the Chinese Ambassador in Australia, the Premier of NSW, the Chinese Consul General in Sydney, and the NSW Leader of Opposition.

           To help perpetuate the friendship between the two nations and peoples of China and Australia, I hereby would like, as one of the Chinese people, and a friend of Australians, to invite you all to come to the Banquet.

           Your family, relatives and friends are, of course, all welcome, too.

             I would like, in particular, to invite (the Senior Supervisors) Mr Peter Howarth and Ms Wilma Howarth, both brother and sister, to come with us to enjoy the peaceful and friendly Banquet.

             As I have admired the fine words of my Australian Cobber, Mr Peter Howarth, who has often expressed his feelings about China and the Chinese people to me, individually or in a small group - how he has tried to obtain knowledge about Chinese cultures, how eager he is to read Chairman Mao's works, and how deeply he loves Chinese people - it would be appreciate if he could give a speech about the friendship of Australians and the Chinese at the get-to-gather to a lot more Chinese people, Australians, people from other countries, and the Presidents of the Chinese Community Organizations, and the President of the Australia China Friendship Society.

           Tickets are $25 each. If anyone would like to go, please let me know by Friday, 25 September, 1987.


Your faithfully,

H. Yee

P.S:    I'll present my cobber Mr Peter Howarth with a book "Mao Zedong Biography"
PS 1. The book above was handed to the GPO by me and received by Mr Brian Louttit (Deputy 
          Postmaster) for Mr Peter Howarth on 23 September 1987 before the Banquet.
PS 2. I also in February 1988 presented Mr Howarth with a book on Mr Bob Hawke, the then
         Prime Minister. 25.05.2000 (i.e. Biography of Bob Hawke).  


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